Works on Paper

2010 - 2016 | Travel Paintings | Various Exhibitions


The Edge Replies | acrylic and pigment on paper | 60 x 80 cm

Italy | ireland


A Puzzle and a Paradise | acrylic and pigment on paper | 60 x 80 cm

Ireland | Germany | Ireland


A Wet Wonder Waiting | acrylic and pigment on paper | 60 x 80 cm

India | Ireland


We've Sent for the Blue | acrylic and pigment on paper |  80 x 60 cm

ireland | India | Ireland 


4000 years on the Meter | Acrylic and Pigment on Paper | 80 x 60 cm

India | Ireland


Down by Powder River | Acrylic and Pigment on Paper | 80 x 60 cm

Germany | India | Ireland 


Five Studies for a Recurring Space 5 | acrylic and pigment on paper | 26 x 15 cm | Italy