It’s raining ropes as they say here. Lashing I would call it. Which is no big deal to this Irishman but the poor Italians are in a fit of depression. Their rainiest summer in nearly 100 years. Tuscany in this...
Pietrasanta is rapidly turning into my favourite place to hang out. Lots of excellent spots to watch the world go by, guerrilla art and lots of galleries and public exhibitions. It's a feast. I particularly like this brushed...
At this stage all the lazy washes are finished and I have to actually enter the piece by applying paint with a more definite hand. Gambling really. Usually I...
I came across these incredible photos in a book I found by chance while in Florence. Men climbing up the sheer face of marble cliffs on shaky looking, makeshift ladders. Massive blocks of freshly cut marble dropped on to quavering lorries as if they were sugar cubes stacked...